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How to cite Phonemica

To cite an individual entry or transcript from Phonemica, please see the citation information on the transcript page.

In case you are relying on data from a large number of entries within Phonemica, the citation information is as follows:


    editor = {van Dam, Kellen Parker and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
    publisher = {Phonemica},
    title = {Phonemica},
    URL = {},
    year = {2025},
    note = {Accessed on 2025/03/12}
    editor = {柯祎蓝,司圆直,祁嘉耀},
    publisher = {Phonemica},
    title = {乡音苑},
    year = {2025},
    note = {访问日期:2025}


Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). (2021). Phonemica.


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