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Privacy Policy

The following information is available to visitors to this site in order to be fully informed of practices relevant to online privacy.


This site uses a number of client-side scripts for the purposes of information display and formatting. These may be disabled through a number of browser extensions and settings, however doing so may cause features of the site to not function properly. It is recommended scripts are left on.

Data collection & cookies

We do not collect any data from visitors to this website apart from the IP address, time of visit and pages visited. These are used solely for troubleshooting problems which may arise due to regional restrictions of connectivity issues, as well as to help us diagnose other potential problems on the site. No other data is collected, and we do not sell or distribute any of our visitor information.

User session data (logging in, keeping you logged in) is stored in a cookie on your computer. This is a temporary item which allows you to stay signed in for up to 24 hours. It also stores your language preference for the site's user interface. User language preference is also saved to your login information in the database in order to retain that setting the next time you visit the site even if visiting from another computer.

An additional cookie is stored which keeps your preference regarding using dark-mode for the site. This is not stored in the database, and relies on the localStorage browser function. It is over-written whenever you change your light/dark setting. If no preference has been given, the site will default to your operating system setting.

Both of these cookies can be cleared from your browser history.

Warning: Due to the transcript size, this site is best viewed on a larger screen. Certain features have been disabled to better suit mobile browsing. Thank you for your understanding.