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Lilyfeng_819 1983 f

广州市的一个故事 2013/07/05

language variety: 廣府片 Guǎngfǔ粵語 Yuè漢語系 Sinitic漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan

location: 广州市 Guǎngzhōu City广东省 Guǎngdōng

uploaded by: kellen 2013/07/05

(廣州話拼音方案,唔系粵拼)Ni1 go3 gu3 xi6 giu3 zo6 ngo5 dig1 yed1 tin1,ziu1 zou2 bad3 dim2 zung1 héi2 sen1
This story is called: ”A Day in the Life of Me.” I get up at 8am,
zeo6 xun3 nao6 zung1 m4 hêng2,dou1 wui2 béi2 ban1 wi1 wa1 guei2 zen3 gé3 yeo3 yi4 yun4 siu2 peng4 yeo5 cou4 seng2.
even if the alarm clock doesn’t go off, I get woken up by a bunch of noisy kindergarteners.
yed1 fan1 so1 sei2,gan2 sem1,zêg3 sem1 tung4 xig6 yun4 zou2 can1 ji1 heo6
After washing up, picking what I’m going to wear, getting dressed and eating breakfast
cung1 cung1 gon2 hêu3 xiu2 bed1 fa1 hün1,deb3 lêng5 go3 zam6 cé1 fan1 gung1,qun4 guo3 cing4
I rush to Xiao Bei Road and take it (the bus) for a total of two stops to go to work.
ngo5 yi1 yin4 qu2 yu4 méi6 séng2 gé3 zong6 tai3,cé1 sêng6 gé3 yen4 dou1 zêg3 deg1 hou2 guong1 xin1
I’m still half asleep. The people on the bus are dressed to the nines,
ded6 bid6 hei6 OL。dan6 tei2 log6 dai6 ga1 dou1 mou4 zing1 da2 coi2
especially the office ladies, but actually everyone seems to be too tired to make themselves up.
yiu3 fan1 gung1,hou2 mou4 noi6 gem2 gé3 yêng6,fan1 dou3 gung1 xi1
Everyone looks like they don’t really want to go to work. When I get to work
da2 ka1 gé3 xi4 heo6,fed1 jin6,yeo6 ci4 dou3 zo2 yed1 lêng5 fen1 zung1
to punch in I realized that I am late by a few minutes.
打開電腦,我通常都未warm up,搞搞震先
da2 hoi1 din6 nou5,ngo5 tung1 sêng4 dou1 méi6 warm up,gao2 gao2 zen3 xin1
I turn on the computer. Usually even before warming up I just mess around.
sêng5 ha5 tou4 bou2,fug1 ha5 kiu1 kiu1,tei2 ha5 kiu1 zson(31),cung1 ha5 ca4
go on Taobao, reply to some QQ messages, look at Qzone and make myself some tea.
dou3 yi3 sig1 dou3 min6 cin4 yeo5 yed1 dai6 dêu1 yé5 deng2 gen2 néi5 hêu3 zou6 gé3 xi4 heo6,hoi1 ci2 yun4 cing4 yed6 gem2 zou6 yé5 lag3
When I realized that I have a whole pile of stuff waiting to be finished I really get into starting to do my work.
dim2 zi1 hou2 do1 so2 sêu3 gé3 yé5 yeo6 lei4 lag3,gem1 yed6 zou2 sêng6 yeo5 go3 mei5 guog3 gé3 gao3 seo6
But then there are a lot of little distractions. Today in the morning there is a professor from America
tung4 gwong2 dung1 se5 fo1 lyun4 ge3 me1 bou6 zoeng2 lai4 ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1
who will be visiting our company with a Mr. so and so who is the head of department at
(呢度後便系粵拼)fong3 dai1 saai3 sau2 tau4 soeng6 ge3 je5 heoi3 hoi1 wui2 laa1,bei2 gaau3 mou4 liu4
I put down everything at hand to join in the meeting which was boring.
lou5 sai3 zung6 jiu3 kwai1 ding6 hoi1 me1 wui2 dou1 jiu3 daai3 bat1 gei3 bou2,mou5 mat1 je5 gei3 dou1 jiu3 baan6 gei3
The boss required us to bring notebook with us no matter what kind of the meeting is. And pretend to write something down even if you have nothing worthy of doing so.
ji4 ce2 bat1 gei3 bou6 zung6 jiu3 jau5 jat1 ding6 ge3 hau5 dou6,nei5 waa6 wan4 m4 wan4 dai1, hoi1 jyun4 wui2 heoi3 sik6 faan6 laa1
Moreover, the notebook is required to have a certain thickness. Is it ridiculous?! We went for lunch after the meeting.
jing1/jing3 goi1 gong2 heoi3 jing3 cau4,daai6 jyu4 daai6 juk6,hai6 bei2 faan6 tong4 tung4 uk1 kei5 dou1 sik6 dak1 hou2
It should be called sociality. The greasy gourmet, undoubtedly, was better than what I had in canteen and at home.
zung6 haan1 faan1 cat1 man1 tim1, daan6 jat6 gau2 sang1 jim3,gau2 ji4 gau2 zi1 hai2 faan6 dim3 sik6 faan6 zau6 wui5 gok3 dak1 mou5 wai6 hau2
I also saved 7 yuan! But I have been bored with eating out and lost my appetite here.
zung6 jau5 jat1 go3 man6 tai4 zau6 hai6 jiu3 ging3 zau2, tung4 maai4 jiu3 pui4 siu3, ming4 ming4 zau6 m4 hou2 siu3
And one more problem is that you have to toast to clients and smile to some unfunny jokes.
waak6 ze2 hou2 laang5, waak6 ze2 ngo5 m4 gam2 hing3 ceoi3,zung6 jiu3 hou2 jing6 zan1 teng1 tung4 bei2 faan2 jing3,jing2 zan1 naan4 ding2 aa3
some of them are gags and I was not interested in others. But I had to listen carefully and give some responds and comments alike. It is unbearable!
ngo5 gan2 jau5 ge3 bun3 go3 zung1 ng5 seoi6 si4 gaan3,jau6 gam2 bei2 jan4 mok1 dyut6 zo2 laak3
jing1 goi1 gai3 faan1 gaa1 baan1 fai3 bei2 ngo5 aa3,haa6 ng5 ge3 je5 gang3 gaa1 hei3 sai3 jyu4 hung4 gam2 jung2 lai4
ging1 lei5 waa6 di1 sou3 geoi3 nei5 gang1 san1 haa5 keoi5 laa1,kei4 sat6 zi2 si6 man4 bun2 soeng6 jat1 go3 biu2 gaak3 ge3 sou3 zi6
ji5 ging1 zuk1 gau3 ngo5 ngaan5 faa1 gei2 jat6 laa3, jin4 hau6 lou5 zung2 deoi3 ngo5 se2 fan6 je5
tai4 ji3 gin3 laa1, bei2 zo2 hou2 do1 ji3 gin3,tung4 si4 dam2 bei2 nei5 sei3 baak3 gei2 jip6 ge3 zi1 liu2
wan3 dong1 zung1 jau5 jung6 ge3 je5 lai4 sau1 goi2 co1 gou2,hou2 m4 jung4 ji6 ngaai4 dou3 luk6 dim2,
to1 zyu6 pei4 bei6 ge3 san1 keoi1,bik1 gei2 go3 zaam6 ce1,ce1 soeng6 jau6 hai6 tung4 jat1 baan1 jan4
faan1 dou3 uk1 kei5,zeoi3 daai6 ge3 jyu4 lok6 zau6 hai6 tai2 si1 naai1 pin2 laa3, jan1 wai6 m4 sai2 dung6 nou5,
jik6 dou1 ho2 ji5 bei6 min5 zoeng1 faan1 gung1 ge3 faan4 nou5 tung4 ngaat3 lik6 daai3 faan1 uk1 kei5,jan1 wai6 ngo5 tai2 din6 si6 ge3 si4 hau6 hou2 zyun1 zyu3
jin4 hau6 soeng5 haa5 Q、sai2 go3 baak6 baak6,jau6 gong2 fan3 gaau3 laak3。zou6 je5 zi1 hau6 gok3 dak1 zi6 jau4 ge3 si4 gaan3 hou2 siu2
hou2 do1 je5 soeng2 zou6 dou1 zou6 m4 dou2,hou2 do1 dei6 fong1 soeng2 heoi3 dou1 mou5 si4 gaan3。hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 waa6 ngaam1 ngaam1 hoi1 ci2 hai6 wui5 m4 zaap6 gwaan3,
biu2 ze2 waa6 dang2 nei5 maan6 maan6 jau5 sing4 zik1 nei5 zau6 wui5 gok3 dak1 jau5 dung6 lik6 gaa1 laak3
ling6 ngoi6 jat1 go3 pang4 jau5 waa6 OT kei4 sat6 hai6 jat1 zoeng1 zoeng1 ngan4 zi2 fong3 gan2 lok6 nei5 ho4 baau1 bo1, so2 ji5 OT m4 sai2 m4 hoi1 sam1
ni1 go3 jan4 taai3 jung4 zuk6 laa3。 ling6 ngoi6 jat1 go3 tung4 hok6 jau6 gong2 zo2 hou2 do1 haak1 fuk6 zik1 coeng4 ngaat3 lik6 ge3 fong1 faat3
baau1 kut3 se2 ngaat3 lik6 jat6 gei3 aa3、dyun3 lin6 san1 tai2、tung4 gaa1 koeng4 kau1 tung1 gam2
ngo5 dou1 gok3 dak1 deoi3 tiu4 zing2 zi6 gei2 ge3 sam1 taai3 gei2 jau5 jung6 ge2。
jyu5 gwo2 waa6 zaai1,si1 soeng2 ho2 ji5 ling6 dou3 tin1 tong4 bin3 sing4 dei6 juk6,jik6 dou1 ho2 ji5 ling6 dei6 juk6 bin3 sing4 tin1 tong4 wo2。



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In order to cite the website in full, please see the citation page. To cite only this recording, please use the following:

Lilyfeng_819 Lilyfeng_819. 2013. 广州市的一个故事 [Guǎng​zhōu​shì De Yí Gè Gù​shì]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/12
  author = {Lilyfeng_819 Lilyfeng_819},
  booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica},
  editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
  publisher = {Phonemica},
  title = {广州市的一个故事 Guǎng​zhōu​shì De Yí Gè Gù​shì},
  URL = {},
  note = {accessed 2025/03/12},
  year = {2013}
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