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なまえ:よしこ 林淑宜 1950 f

童年成長的老崎 2014/06/11

language variety: 梅惠小片 Méihuì粵台片 Yuètái客語 Hakka漢語系 Sinitic漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan

location: 頭份鎮 Tóufènzhèn苗栗縣 Miáolìxiàn台灣 Táiwān

uploaded by: 葉玉嬌 2014/06/11

亻厓 个名仔安到林淑宜,
ngai21 ge55 miang21 er53 on21 do55 lim21 siuk2 ngi21,
My name is Shuyi Lin ,
gim24 ngien21 liuk2 siip5 ng53 se55。
This year sixty-five .
rhit2 giu53 ng53 lang21 ngien21 cut2 sen24 cai55
Born in 1950 in
meu21 lit5 ien55 teu21 fun55 ziin53 ge55 hiong21 ha55,on21 do55 lo53 gia55 ge55 ti55 fong24,
Parts of the town head Miaoli County countryside, a place called the old Kawasaki ,
he55 lo53 fo53 fong21,muk2 cien21 han21 coi24,
Is a traditional building courtyard house is still ,
vuk2 er53 hi53 do55 ban55 san24 pai21,
House built in the hillside ,
heu55 boi55 he55 it2 tai55 pien53 ge55 gui55 zuk2 ien21,vuk2 mien55 cien21 iu24 it2 tiau21
Behind the house is a large Gui Chuk Yuen, there is a house in front of
se55 ho21 ba55 e53,piong21 song21 sii21 sui53 mo21 i55 tai55,
Xiaoheba, usually little water ,
fung21 cai24 ge55 sii21 ziet2,ciu55 dong24 det2 ngin21 giang24,
Typhoon, people very scared ,
iu24 it2 tiau21 tai55 iok2 si55 siip5 gung24 cak2 ge55 biong24 er53 kieu21,
There is a wood-deck bridge about 40 meters ,
無任何个安全 維護,大人細人
mo21 im55 ho21 ge55 on24 cion21 vi21 fu55 ,tai55 ngin21 se55 ngin21
There is no security fence, adults and children
ciu55 an53 ngiong21 go55 loi21 go55 hi55,lia53 ha55 i55 gin24 goi53 fung21 mo24 nai21 kieu21 le53。
So walking up and down, now change the cement bridge .
kieu21 ge55 it2 pien53 he55 nung21 tien21,nang55 ngoi55 it2 pien53 he55 coi55 ien21。
A bridge is the farmland, the other end of the garden ,
kieu21 ha24 sii21 cong21 iu24 it2 tiau21 sui53 ngiu21 gu53 do55 ge55 vun55 sui53。
Bridge often have a male buffalo in Wenshui .
it2 giu53 si55 ng53 ngien21,toi21 van21 gong55 fuk5
In 1945, the retrocession of Taiwan
li21 koi24 le53 ngit2 bun53 di55 guet2 ge55 tung53 zii55,it2 giu53 si55 giu53 ngien21 tai55 liuk5 lun21 hen55,
Japan ruled the empire from the 1949 fall of the mainland ,
guet2 min21 dong53 loi21 toi21 van21 gon53 li24,toi21 van21 ciung21 it2 bat2 giu53 ng53 ngien21 do55 it2 giu53 si55 ng53 ngien21,
KMT administration to manage Taiwan, Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 ,
kiung55 iu24 ng53 siip5 ngien21 ge55 ki21 gien24,bun24 ngit2 bun53 ngin21 tong53 zii55,
A total of 50 years, the Japanese rule,
so53 i55,tai55 pu55 fun55 ge55 toi2 van21 ngin21,du55 voi55 iung55 ngit2 bun53 fa55 lau24 hak2 ga21 fa55 lau24 den53 gong53,
Therefore, most Taiwan residents, will use Japanese Hakka and mutual use of chat ,
it2 giu53 si55 giu53 ngien21 guet2 min21 zen55 fu53 loi21 do55 toi21 van21,
In 1949 the Nationalist government to Taiwan ,
sii53 iugn55 gon21 fong24 ge55 ngi24 ngien21 ,toi21 van21 ngin21 van21 cion21 tang24 m21 siit2,
Use the official language of the people of Taiwan do not understand fully ,
meu21 lit5 ti55 ki24 he55 hak2 ga24 ti55 ki24,sii53 iung55 ge55 ngi24 ngien21
Miaoli Hakka area region, the language used
he55 si55 ien55 kiong24,fa55 ngi24 m21 tung24,toi21 van21 ngin21 fui24 song21 ge55 giang24,lau24 but2 on24
Four counties cavity discourse nowhere, the people of Taiwan is very scared and upset
iu24 seu53 su55 ge55 gon24 ien21,ciung21 gong53 dung24 moi21 ien55 go55 loi21 ge55,lau24 meu21 lit5 ge55 hak2 ga24
A few government officials from Guangdong Meixian, and Miaoli Hakka
hak2 fa55 iu24 diam55 e53 kiung55 iong55,ko53 i55 tang24 det2 siit2,
Hakka the same thing, you can understand ,
gin21 go55 lau53 hok5 gau53 ge55 gau55 iuk2,pu21 tung21 fa55 zang55 man55 man55 e53 tui24 zan53 cut2 loi21,
Re- education through schools, slowly to promote Putonghua out.
亻厓 到吂讀書以前,使用个語言
ngai55 do55 mang21 tuk5 su24 i24 cien21,sii53 iung55 ge55 ngi24 ngien21
Before I did not read the language, used
ngi24 ngien21 he55 si55 ien55 kiong24 ge55 hak2 ga21 fa55,sen21 fat5 siip5 guan55 tai55 ga24 ngin21 du55
Language is a four counties cavity Hakka people have habits we
ca24 m21 do24,mi21 ga21 mi21 fu55 du55 hiuk2 gie53 e53,zu24 e53,ap2 e53,
Almost every household chickens, pigs, ducks,
ngo21 e53,gie24 e53 he55 man21 san24 zeu53,ap2 e53 ciu55 giuk2 do55 ho21 ba55
Geese, chickens are put mountain run, duck arrived at the river
ngia24 vuk2 ha24 iu24 hiuk2 zu24 e53,nga24 vuk2 ha24
Pig in your family, my family there ,
iu24 cien21 ge55 ngin21 hiuk2 do24,mo21 cien21 ge55 ngin21 ciu55 hiuk2 ha55 seu53,
Rich people keep more money people raise no less ,
亻厓 兜細人仔个時節,有閒就愛去挖虫憲 公
ngai21 deu24 se55 ngin21 e53 ge55 sii21 ziet2,iu24 han21 ciu55 oi55 hi55 iet2 hien53 gung24
Our childhood, when we should have free dig earthworm
拈虫夜 螺仔,田脣上打拐仔,轉來分較細隻个雞仔
ngiam24 ie21 lo21 e53,tien21 sun21 song55 da53 guai53 e53,zon53 loi21 bun24 ha55 se55 zak2 ge55 gie24 e53
Picking crucible cattle, ridge edge catching frogs, chickens only small points back
ap2 e53 siit5 zo55 bu53 pin53,hi21 mong5 gi21 giak2 giak2 tai55,zo55 det2
Duck as supplements, they hope to grow up quickly, the New Year can
來犀刂 ,來拜拜正有肉好食。
loi21 cii21,loi21 bai55 bai55 zang55 iu24 ngiuk2 ho53 siit5。
To slaughter, bye have meat to eat.
亻厓 兜細人个時節,長看到个蟲仔
ngai21 deu24 se55 ngin21 e53 ge55 sii21 ziet2,cong21 kon21 do53 ge55 cung21 e53
When we were young, often see insects
he55 nung55 mo24 cung21,sam21 e53,iong21 mi24 e53,tu53 gieu53 e53,
Caterpillars, cicadas, dragonflies, crickets,
ngie55 gung24 lau21 pung24 e53,in21 vi55 tu53 ti55 cion21
Ma ants and bees, because the whole land
du55 mang21 koi24 fat2,cion21 pu55 he55 san24 pai21,so553 i55 ,sa21 go24 sii21 song21 kon55 det2 do53,
None developed mountain grass row, so the snake can often be seen ,
co53 sa21、 nam21 sa21 、ngiet5 tien24
Grass snake, Celastrus summer
za53 e53 ziet2、ciang24 zuk2 si24、gui24 hok2 fa24.........den53
Umbrella festival, bamboo silk, shells and other flowers .......
sii21 cong21 kon55 det2 do53,vi21 ciong21 iung55 zuk2 er53 zo55 ge55 zuk2 vi21,fai53 tet2 le24,
Often see, wall fenced, the bad,
von55 go55 sin21 ge55,kiu55 ge55 ciu55 cak2 ha24 loi21,zo55 ceu21 e53 seu24,
New ones, have removed, for firewood ,
za53 蠻環保。有蛇出現,狗仔會追會吠,鵝仔
za53 man21 fan21 bo53。iu24 sa21 cut2 hien55,gieu53 e53 voi55 poi55,ngo21 e53
Yeah very environmentally friendly . Sometimes the snake appeared, the dog will chase will chase bark, goose
dui21 lau55 voi55 ga55 ga55 gun53,so53 i55 hak2 ga24 ngin21 gong53:gieu53 e53 lau24 ngo21 e53
Chase will croak, so Hakka said: dogs and geese
會掌屋,蛇捉到了, 犀刂 來煮湯,聽講
voi55 zong53 vuk2,sa21 zok2 do53 le53 , cii21 loi21 zu53 tong24,tang24 gong53
Will the house, caught the snake to kill soup, I heard
siit5 le53 voi55 gie53 tuk5,gie53 tuk5。nga21 ba24 he55 su55 ngit2 bun53 gau55 iuk2 ,go24 gip2
Eat very detoxification, my father received Japanese education, senior
gung21 ngiap5 hok5 gau53 bit2 ngiap5,iu24 gap2 zung53 ge55 tien55 hi55 ziit2 zeu55,voi55 sat2 gie55
Industrial school, there is a species of electrical license, will design
tien55 sien55 sien55 lu55,cai55 kong53 cong21 song55 zo55 kong53 cong21 zong53
Electrical wiring, do coal mine in the coal field director
zii21 heu55 sak5 tan55 he55 gung21 ngiap5 zui55 cung55 ieu55
After the coal industry is the most important
ge55 ngien21 liau55,gung24 cong21 ge55 gi21 hi55 hi53 tung55,
Raw materials, factory machines start,
fo53 ca24 ge55 gi21 guan21 ca53,cion21 pu55 du55 oi55 sii53 iung55,
A train \'s locomotive, all have to use ,
tai55 liong55 ge55 sak5 tan55,min21 gien24 iu21 deu24 se55 gung24 cong21,ia55 oi55
A lot of coal, some small private factories, but also need
iung55 do53 sak5 tan55,nga21 ba24 song21 ngien21 hiet5 do55
Use of coal, my father lived in for many years
kong53 cong21 ge5 gung24 liau21,kon53 do53 a21 ba24 zon53 loi21
Gongliao mine, to see his father transferred
fui24 song21 fon24 hi53,di24 gong53 a21 ba24 liang21 gung24 cien21
Very happy to know his father collar wages
zon53 loi21 le24,nga21 me24 ia55 he55 su55 go55 ngit2 bun53 gau55 iuk2
Came back, my mother also received Japanese education
fui24 song21 ge55 ngiam21 tiau21,ga21 song55 nga21 ba24 cong21 ngien21 mo21 cai55 vuk2 ha24
Very strict, and my father was not at home for many years
go55 ha55 ngiam21 tiau21,liuk2 siit5 ngien21 cien21 e55 toi21 van21 ge55 ma55 ma53
More stringent, sixty years ago, Taiwan \'s mother
fui24 song21 ge55 gan24 ku53,oi55 gang24 tien21,oi55 gang24 ien21
Very hard to farming, love to garden
oi21 zak2 ca21 zo55 gung24,mo21 tien21 mo21 ien21 ge55 ngin21
To work picking tea, garden, landless people
ciu55 hi55 zo55 lang21 sang21 gung24,con55 deu53 e53 cien21,se55 ngin21 e53 giong55 do24 hiuk2 m21 hi53
Just do odd jobs to earn some money, too poor to feed the child born
sung55 bun24 ngin21 zo55 iong24 zii53 iong24 ng53,se55 ngin21 e53 m21 guai24,ciu55 iung55
Son and daughters to the people to do, naughty children, use
竹筱仔修理,1956年亻厓 上了小學,當福氣
zuk2 siu21 e53 siu21 li24,it2 giu53 ng53 liuk2 ngien21 ngai21 song24 lau53 seu53 hok5,dong24 fuk2 hi55
Bamboo repair, 1956, I went to primary school, very lucky
hok5 gau53 ciu55 do55 fu55 kiun24,he55 ngit2 bun53 sii21 toi55 ge55 seu53 hok2 gau53,guet2 min21 ziin55 fu53 goi53 miang21 voi21 deu53 von55
School is nearby elementary school Japanese era created, renamed the National Government Doo-hwan
guet2 min21 hok5 gau53,tung21 hok5 iu21 deu24,
Elementary school, some students
oi55 hang21 diam53 lang21 zung24 zang55 loi21 ge55
More than an hour to go
hok5 gau53,hang21 e53 do55 hok5 gau53。iu21 deu24 ga24 tin21 in21 vi55 mo21 cien21
School, walk to school . Some families because the money
mo21 ho53 bun21 se55 ngin21 e53 tuk5 su24,go55 zai53 giu53 se55 le53,zang55 loi21 tuk5
Can not read to their children, over the age of nine, only to read
it2 ngien21 sen24,li21 vuk2 ha24,hok5 gau53 cai55~cai55 ien53
First grade, from home, at school in the far ~
亻厓个爺哀因為有受過教育,所以亻厓 都
ngai21 ge55 ia21 oi24 in21 vi55 iu24 su55 go55 gau55 iuk2,so53 i55 ngai21 do55
Because my parents have educated, so I
sin24 zuk2 loi21 tuk5 cu21 zung24,go21 zung24,zang55 do55 sin24 zuk2 ge55 sii21
Hsinchu to junior high school, high school, before school time
ziet2,zang55 siit5 sam21 se55,man24 kieu53 ge55 hak2 ga21 kiong24 ge55 guet2 ngi24
Only thirteen years old, full of Hakka accent Mandarin
lau24 ngoi55 sen53 e53 ge55 ti55 ngi55 toi55 kiung55 ha55 hok5 sip5,gong24 giak2 ciu55
And second-generation study with other provinces soon
voi55 gong53 peu24 zun53 ge55 guet2 ngi24 le53。voi55 song55 hak2 ga24
Will speak standard Mandarin . At the meeting Hakka
vun21 fa55 ban24 he55 du21 do53 gi21 fi55,m21 di24 gong53
Culture class was ran into opportunity, do not know what to say
客家還有文化好學習,原來,就係亻恩 俚當熟事个
hak2 ga24 han21 iu24 vun21 fa55 ho53 hok5 sip5,ngien21 loi21 ,ciu55 he55 en24 li53 dong21 suk5 sii55 ge55
There are lessons to learn Hakka culture, the original, that we are very familiar
sen21 fat5 ciu55 he55 vun21 fa55,fun21 、song55、 hi53、 kin55
Life on the line is, marriage, death, joy, celebration
siit5、i24、hiet5。cu55 cu55 ciu55 iu24 vun21 fa55 boi55 gin53,
Food, clothing, shelter, everywhere there are cultural background,
meu55 hong55 ge55 fung21 siuk5,me55 toi55 beu53 cuk2 kiun21 ge55 vun21 fa55,
Temple customs, also on behalf of ethnic culture,
ciit5 det2 en24 li53 he55 hi55 tam55 to53 bo53 sun21 ge55。
Worthy of us to explore saved . That\'s all !


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なまえ: よしこ Lín Shū Yí なまえ:よしこ 林淑宜. 2014. 童年成長的老崎 [Tóng​nián Chéng Zhǎng De Lǎo Qí]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2024/10/22
  author = {なまえ: よしこ  Lín Shū Yí なまえ:よしこ 林淑宜},
  booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica},
  editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
  publisher = {Phonemica},
  title = {童年成長的老崎 Tóng​nián Chéng Zhǎng De Lǎo Qí},
  URL = {},
  note = {accessed 2024/10/22},
  year = {2014}
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