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飛燕 1958 f

有趣味的-核 2014/07/07

language variety: 海陸 Hǎilù客語 Hakka漢語系 Sinitic漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan

location: 竹東 Zhúdōng新竹縣 Xīnzhúxiàn台灣 Táiwān

uploaded by: 葉玉嬌 2014/07/07

\"生趣个核\" 在台灣个新竹縣芎林鄉,
\"sen53 ci21 gai21 fut2\" dui21 toi33 van55 gai21 sin53 zhuk5 rhan21 giung53 lim55 hiong53,
\"Interestingly nuts seeds \" in Taiwan \'s Hsinchu County Qionglin ,
rhiu53 rhit2 co33 m55 voi33 tiong24 go53 gai21 san53,on53 do21 fui53 fung33 san53。
There is not a high mountain, called Mount Fei .
對亻厓 屋下駛車仔過去,大約半點鐘久斯到,
dui21 ngai55 vuk5 ha53 sii33 cha53 er55 go21 hi21,tai33 rhok2 ban21 diam33 zhung53 giu24 sii33 do21,
From my house out in the past, about half an hour on that,
亻厓 輒常去該蹶山運動。
gai55 ziap2 shong55 hi21 gai55 kiet2 san53 rhun33 tung33。
I often go to that mountain sports .
dui21 san53 ha53 gai21 pai55 leu55 ngip2 dieu24,hang55 zhin21 shiu24 sak5 lok2 hi21,
From the foot of the archway entrance, go into the right hand side ,
rhiu21 2800 gung53 chak5 lau53 1800 gung53 chak5 gai21 den53 san53 pu33 to33。
2800 meters and 1800 meters of hiking trails .
na33 he21 hang55 zo33 shiu24 pien24 gai21 gia21 er55 chit2 chit2 shong53 hi21,zhon33 ling24 zhak5 tai33 van53,
If left to go straight up the hillside, turn two big bend,
上到崎頂有一座服侍關公个廟, 安到代勸堂。
shong53 do21 gia21 dang24 rhiu53 rhit2 co33 fuk2 sii33 guan53 gung53 gai21 miau33,on53 do21 toi33 kien21 tong55。
On the top of the hill there is a commanding monarch Guandi Temple, called on behalf of the Church advised .
miau33 piang55 shun55 gai21 tai33 shu33 ha53,rhiu53 liong33 zi33 so24 chong55 teu21 dut2 gai55 mai33 coi21。
Large trees beside the temple grounds have wives often that Long vegetables
gi55 deu53 zhung21 gai21 coi21 dong53 nun33,ga21 sii21 rha33 m55 voi33 bi33 pet2 sa55 gai21 ha21 gui21,
Tender vegetables they grow, the price is not more expensive than others,
故所,亻厓 常常摎佢兜交官,
gu21 so24,ngai55 shong55 shong55 lau53 gi55 deu53 gau53 gon53,
So, I often buy them ,
tai33 ga53 rha33 bien21 do21 i53 shuk2 sii33 le53。
Everyone has become familiar.
gai55 a33 zim55 han55 voi33 lu53 deu53 gua53 bu24、coi21 sim53、ga53 lam24 loi55 mai33,
The aunt also Bu pickled melon, cucumbers, olives ,
gi55 lu53 gai21 dung53 si53 cin33 ngip2 mui33 cin33 ho33 shit2 o33。
She pickled something very tasty and very delicious Oh .
rhiu53 rhit2 bai24,ngai55 chi21 shit2 gi55 lu53 gai21 ga53 lam24,
Once, she tried to eat pickled olives ,
son53 gam24 son53 gam53,rhiu53 rhang24 o53 no24 rhit2 det5!
Sweet and sour, is may praise !
毋過,仰般恁奇怪? 這橄欖摎別儕个無共樣,
m55 go21 ,ngiong33 ban53 an53 ki55 guai21?lia55 ga53 lam24 lau53 pet2 sa55 gai21 mo55 kiung33 rhong33,
However, how such a strange, olives, and others which are not the same ,
裏背肚無核(fudˋ) 呢?
di53 boi21 du24 mo55 fut2 ne33?
There will be no stone it ?
亻厓 斯問該阿嬸: 「喲~ 這橄欖仰會無核呢? 」
ngai55 sii33 mun21 gai55 a33 zim55: 「io24~lia55 ga53 lam24 ngiong33 voi33 mo55 fut2 no33? 」
I asked the aunt : \" yo ~ How can this olive pit without it ? \"
阿嬸應亻厓 講: 「係啊,這係南洋種,無核个橄欖得斯。」
a33 zim55 en21 ngai55 gong24:「he21 a33,lia24 he21 nam55 rhong55 zhung24,mo55 fut2 gai21 ga53 lam53 det2 sii33。」
Aunt replied : \" Yes, ah, this is the Nanyang species, no olive pit .\"
亻厓 講 :「南洋種無核个喔,亻厓 第一擺食著咧!」
ngai55 gong24「nam55 rhong55 zhung24 mo55 fut2 gai21 o21,ngai55 ti33 rhit5 bai24 shit2 do24 le21!」
I said I :: \" Nanyang seedless varieties Oh, the first time I eat ! \"
厥嫂在旁脣聽著,斯緊笑講: 「係哪,
gia55 so24 dut2 pong55 shun55 tang21 do24,sii21 gin24 siau21 gong24 : 「he21 na53,
She heard Mob Sister aside, it has been said with a smile : \"Yes you,
這橄欖無核,你在該盡咈(fudˋ) 」。
lia55 ga53 lam24 mo55 fut2,ngi55 dut2 gai55 cin33 fut2 」。
This seedless olives, you enjoy eating \" at that .
亻厓 聽著乜哈哈大笑講: 「 啊喔,你仰恁會講笑,實在還生趣喔~」
ngai55 tang21 do24 me21 ha53 ha53 gun24 tai33 siau21 gong24: 「at2 o53,ngi55 ngiong33 an53 voi33 gong33 siau21,shit5 cai33 han55 sen53 ci21 o33~」
I also heard laughing, said: \" ah Oh, so how would you joking, it is very interesting oh ~\"
背尾,厥嫂又講:亻厓 講隻還較笑科个分你兜聽哪!
bo21 mui53,gia55 so24 rhiu24 gong24:ngai55 gong33 zhak5 han55 ha21 siau21 ko53 gai21 bun53 ngi55 deu53 tang21 na53!
Finally, she said Mob Sister : I tell a more funny to listen to you what !
有一日亻厓 去買荔枝,講試食看仔,
rhu53 rhit2 ngit5, ngai55 hi21 mai53 li33 zhi53 ,gong33 chi21 shit2 kon21 er21,
One day I went to buy litchi that try to eat to see,
mang55 di53 gai55 fut2 an53 tai33 zhak5,mo55 ban21 sit5 ngiuk5 le21!
Did not know that such a big seed, with no meat blanket !
亻厓 斯嫌該賣荔枝个頭家講:『嗯~ 你這荔枝
ngai55 sii33 hiam55 gai55 mai33 li33 zhi53 gai21 teu55 ga53 gong24:『ng55~ngi55 lia24 li33 zhi53
I despise that sell lychee boss said: \" You ah ~ lychee
無肉無碓,恁大核! 』 該頭家乜
mo55 ngiuk5 mo55 doi21,an53 tai33 fut2!gai55 teu55 ga53 me21
No meat, pit so big ! \" The boss
cin33 mo55 nai33 ho55 gai21 rhong33 er55 gong24:『bak2 me53,an55 ngiong55 la21,
Very helpless look, said : \" aunt, and friends ,
你係買多斯大fudˋ, 買少斯小fudˋ,
ngi55 he21 mai53 do53 sii21 tai33 fut2,mai53 shau24 sii21 siau24 fut2,
If you buy more to eat, buy less, eat less ,
毋買斯無好fudˋ囉。亻厓 看佢恁古琢,將就買成斤仔來fudˋ。」
m55 mai53 sii21 mo55 ho33 fut2lo21。ngai24 kon21 gi55 an53 gu33 dok5,ziong53 ciu33 mai53 shang55 gin53 er55 loi55 fut2。」
No eat did not buy Hello . \" I think he is very funny, will buy a pound to eat. \"
tai33 ga53 tang21 do24 gi55 gong24 gai21 siau21 ko53 an53 sen53 ci21,siau21 do21 du33 shi24 sii33 tung21 le53!
We hear his jokes are fun, laugh stomach pain !
飛鳳山係亻厓 故鄉附近个山,
fui53 fung33 san53 he21 ngai55 gu21 hiong53 fu33 kiun33 gai21 san53,
Fei Shan Mountains is near his hometown ,
在這聽得著亻厓 个母語摎熟事个鄉音。
dut2 lia55 tang21 det2 do24 ngai55 gai21 mu53 ngi53 lau53 shuk2 sii33 gai21 hiong53 rhim53。
In my native language and hear the familiar accent .
這係亻厓 歡喜去行尞个原因。
lia55 he21 ngai55 fon53 hi24 hi21 hang55 liau33 gai21 ngien55 rhin53。
This is the reason I like to play .


回應 chalnkualn:原稿是使用客家語漢語書寫,聽錄音檔案,再翻譯普通話文稿。
@chalnkualn 最上面的事客語用的字。最下面是普通話的翻譯

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In order to cite the website in full, please see the citation page. To cite only this recording, please use the following:

Fēi Yàn 飛燕. 2014. 有趣味的-核 [Yǒu Qù​wèi De - Hé]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/12
  author = {Fēi Yàn 飛燕},
  booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica},
  editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
  publisher = {Phonemica},
  title = {有趣味的-核 Yǒu Qù​wèi De - Hé},
  URL = {},
  note = {accessed 2025/03/12},
  year = {2014}
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